Thursday, February 28, 2019
Outline the Level of Engery Security in the Uk
Assess the level of elan vital warranter in the UK verve surety is defined as the uttermost to which an affordable, reliable and stable brawn supply can be achieved. everyplace the last few decades, the nada situation in the UK has constantly been changing, from producing enough anele and natural accelerator to be a realize exporter of both fuels to now existence on the brink of not importing and producing enough life force to meet the nations demands.The ancient decades of the UKs zippo were probably brighter days than what we can look fore to in the future, with one researcher from Cambridge University, Professor David MacKay, suggesting the UK could face severe blackouts by 2016 (UK could face blackouts by 2016 BBC News Sept 2009). Although the general manipulation of heftiness in the UK has not increased huge amounts, with per capita usage in 1965 at 3. 6 tonnes oil equivalent per year and in 2005 at 3. 8 tonnes oil equivalent, the muscularity security of the UK has worsened considerably.As global tribe increases and to a greater extent countries ar using larger amounts of fossil fuels to meet their energy demands, the UK is restrain to the amount it can import and is put under pressure to use more renewable bugs of energy. Problems within geopolitics has withal caused problems for the UKs energy security as prices fluctuate, changing the amount of oil we can export and how real much we bedevil to pay for our imported energy. Past When BP records began, the UK was getting 98% of its primitive energy from burning fossil fuels like oil, natural waste and scorch mainly due to the increasing transportation and might generation sectors.Pre-1976, the UK was a large importer of oil due to the fact in that location were very few known oil sources that could be used domestically. In the following days compass north Sea oil was discoered and production got underway, meaning the UK could little by little reduce their imports and re ly more on domestic oil. Within a few years, in 1981 the UK had arrive a net exporter of oil demo that at this time there was no study issue with energy security but instead that there was a surplus and a chance to make some money. The use of natural botch up in the UK did not get started until 1968 and production was thriving for 30 years ntil its placard in 2000 and so saw a gradual decline. The UK imported very little gas, and most of the gas produced from the North Sea was consumed in the UK and only for a brief period did the UK actually export natural gas. During the handbill times of natural gas production, it was cited as a replacement for sear for home heating and military force generation as its a much honester source of energy and could help to reduce the mail pollution in cities. Up until 1995 the UK imported some natural gas from Holland and Norway which could overly be an important connection for the future.In the 60s, coal was the UKs main source of si mple energy, accounting for around 60% of the daily consumption, but by 1999 this number had declined to just 16%, demonstrate how the UK had found former(a) sources of energy giving a much larger revolution to their energy consumption. If you were to give away the UK a score for the energy security index for this period, it would probably be a similar score to today but for different reasons. The diversity score would be much lower as it is clear that the UK relied on coal, oil and gas and got very little energy from all other sources.However, the availability score would be much higher because we relied much svelte on imports and the majority of energy consumed was produced domestically. Present In 2006, the percentage of primary energy that comes from oil, coal and gas had reduced from 98% to 92%, showing that UK had introduced new renewable schemes and were increasing their diversity. Over the historical 4 decades, population has increased from 54,350,000 to 60,245,000 b ut the per capita consumption has remained fairly constant with a slight increase to 3. 8 tonnes oil equivalent.Although the UK was relying less on oil and gas consumption, we had once become a net importer of oil in 2006, when North Sea Oil production had started to decline. The falling production and rising prices of oil are predicted to cast off a huge negative effect on the UKs economy. We could see a ? 5 billion profit in 2000 to a deficit of over ? 20 billion by 2012. It is estimated that there are still 20 billion barrels of oil gettable to exploit, but there is a worry that in the competitive commercialize, enthronization is likely to go to other places in the world and this oil could go to waste. There are also worries that with the declining production nd increased corporate trust on imports that our oil supply could be limited. There is hope that boring in the Falkland Islands go out produce enough oil to pay-off the billion ram deficit. The UK is also having seriou s problems with coal and gas production which is leading to even off more imports. We have once again become a net importer of both fuels, and as the market becomes more competitive these fuels will get by themselves to the highest bidders meaning that everyone in the UK will have to start paying more for their energy. Many people are starting to question why we do not use more renewable energy sources like star, solar or thermonuclear energy.Critics say that we shouldnt rely on wind energy because of its intermittent nature and it would make more sense to degenerate the money on improving nuclear technologies. The argument for nuclear energy is a controversial one however as people have heard worrying things about nuclear power plants. As foresightful as you dont mention the words Chernobyl, or nuclear waste, or planning permission (Association of Commercial Energy Assessors (ACEA) 2011) nobody would have major problems with nuclear energy but would instead see an probabilit y to produce lots of toll-effective, clean energy.A publish from the Lords economic affairs perpetration has also suggested it would be worth while spending money on new power plants that are connected to snow capture and stock schemes. This report also attacked the governments plans of relying more on clean energy sources, saying that it is a way of ignoring the UKs energy crisis and could also start costing households and extra ? 80 per year. It is clear that at this flash in time, the UK is fairly energy insecure as it has a enormous reliance on foreign imports and the diversity of energy sources is fairly limited.Energy security has become a key issue for the government and there are plans in place to try and sort the problem. Future/Key Concerns maybe the biggest worry for the UKs energy future is highlighted in the book sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air by Professor David MacKay, where MacKay says the UK could face blackouts by 2016. The book concluded with the f act that the projections for power institutionalises and new technologies does not add up and not enough power capacity is being built. He told BBCNews this could happen while coal and nuclear power stations come to the end of their productive lives and are phased out. Professor MacKay believes we use up to invest more money into renewable and blames the public, for rejecting proposals of wind farms and nuclear power plants while demanding a unchanged lifestyle, for the possible energy problems. He also says how he thinks the blackouts could be the only way to get people to solve that we need to invest in modern nuclear technology and other clean sources of energy, rather than relying on the limited supplies of coal, oil and gas.In another report, scripted by Ian Fells (a professor at the University of Newcastle), the point about the blackouts was reinforced and the extent to which it could cause huge problems for the UK was made evident when he said We had a power cut in 2003 fo r about 12 hours in the city of London the consequential loss was about ? 700m because everything stops. All you IT stops, the stock market doesnt work. This shows the economic losses of 12 hours of blackouts in just the city of London, so the threat of national blackouts for days would cost the UK economy billions of pounds.Fells report shows the same gloomy future as Professor MacKays book, with worries that over the next decade the UK will lose one third of its electricity producing capacity as we wont have the renewable energy to cut and nuclear power stations wont be ready. Fells also makes a point about how we will have to have got many nuclear and coal-fired power stations open long past their sell-by-date which would not be good for the environment. Fells believes the controversial Kings North power station in Kent could also be needed, but it would need to be fitted with carbon capture and storage technology before it was brought into use.Ofgem have produced a major report on Britains energy supplies, to which it was concluded that by 2015 we will be hit by a perfect storm that could cost the UK at least ? 200 billion to secure our energy supplies but to also meet carbon emissions targets set by the Kyoto Protocol. Conclusion Over the past 5 decades, the UKs energy situation has never been great, we have eer relied on some foreign imports and we have never really introduced any major renewable energy schemes.However, our energy security has become increasingly worse and is predicted to get worse still. If we do not start to introduce some more nuclear plants or renewable energy schemes then we will have very little energy available to us as oil prices rise and supplies run low. Power is curtly to become a very expensive commodity as we try to cope with the challenge of rapid growth and so it is certain that very soon everyone in the UK will have to start paying more for their power.
Twelfth Night
Twelfth darkness is a light-he arted go updy written by William Shakespeare between 1598 and 1601. Even though this work on is a waggery, it in like manner has inconvenience oneself in its content which is mostly inflicted on the three main characters, genus genus genus genus Viola. The anguish sensation in the neck they experience is mostly military campaignd by the lack of self-knowledge they be in possession of about themselves or differents, and by unrequited chicane. This pain makes Twelfth nighttime the play it is. Orsino experiences pain throughout Twelfth Night. Even so in a arcminute So full of shapes is fancy.That it alone is high fantastical. Here Orsino pours out his paddy wagon pain because of his infatuation love which is unrequited. He states that love is just in the imagination and its nonhing to a greater extent than fantastical, in these words pain can be felt and it easily to empathize with. Orsino has caused his pain upon himself as he doesnt ha ve enough self-knowledge to realize his love for Olivia is infatuation. Olivias requited love for Cesario ensures her pain in Twelfth Night.Olivias love is sure moreover it is aimed at the wrong person as Cesario is under secrete therefore her love for him solelyow for endlessly remain one-sided. Olivia says in the play I would you were as I would have you be. Olivia tries to make Cesario see that she wishes he loves her despite of his countless refusals towards her love, this causes Olivia hurt as she doesnt clearly recognize why Cesario doesnt want her as she doesnt lack wealth, place or looks. Viola or Cesario lacks self-knowledge of others, in specific mostly with Orsino.She doesnt seem to observe that Orsinos love is artificial. Ill do my best(p) to woo your lady. Yet, a barful strife Whoeer I woo, myself would be his wife. Viola gets her heart wounded and full of pain when she has to woo on her get the hang behalf. She secretly loves him therefore wooing a woman fo r him will cause pain and hurt upon any female. Viola also causes pain upon Olivia and in the process hurts herself, her pain is sh possess when she says Poor lady, she were better to love a dream. Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness. Viola isnt blaming her veil for the pain she is bringing upon herself and others she is acknowledging that she has chosen this path for herself. In conclusion, although Twelfth Night is a comedy, it has a fair amount of pain inflicted into the plot. Through this discussion, it has come to attention that a lot of pain couldve been avoided if the characters had more self-knowledge about themselves and others, but if they did, there wouldnt have been a Twelfth Night with suspicion and a climax.Twelfth NightTwelfth Night is a comedy and a marvel. This play conveys many messages that are seen by the audience, but not seen by the characters in the play. There are many points involving love, friendship, conflicts and bewilderment. Twelfth Night displays characters that are mad, in love, and desperate for love. Twelfth Night has many conflicts that derive because characters fail to listen to messages. Viola is a character who has just image that her comrade has died in a shipwreck that they were both in. Viola disguises herself as a man to seek employment under the Duke Orsinos court.The confusion occurs, when Viola tells Orsino that she loves someone (Orsino), when she tells Olivia that she cannot love a woman, and when Viola reveals some accepted facts about her identity to other characters, such as Feste the turn in. Confusion is always occurring in Twelfth Night, and characters are too blind by love to see the truth behind e genuinelything. Viola speaks to Orsino as a servant, and explains her past, her family, and her love, heretofore though she is disguised as a man. She speaks to Orsino in a penny-pinching manner, not to give away her true identity and feelings towards the Duke. I am all the daughters of my fathers hou se, and all the brothers, too and yet I know not. (II. VI. 130-135) Viola reveals that she is a contrary person inside, and that she is both brother and daughter, meaning that even though her appearance is that of a man, she is truly a female.Viola also explains her love many times to Orsino, but in a way that he does not understand. Orsino does not realize that Viola/Cesario is a woman. Viola expresses her love for the Duke to Olivia as well. Olivia Where lies your text? Viola In Orsinos bosom. Olivia In his bosom? In what chapter of his bosom? Viola To answer by the method, in this first of his heart. (I. V. 220-225) Viola tells Olivia that she loves Orsino, and is in his heart, but Olivia, persuasion that Viola is a male, does not listen to her true message. Viola keeps her true identity very secret, but also lets other people think about her inner(a) person, as she reveals some facts about herself. She also speaks in a different manner than most men around her, which makes her a bit different. She does not like to fight, and does not act like a drunk.Viola/Cesario also speaks to Olivia about not loving a woman. Viola admits to Olivia that she is someone who cannot, and will not love another woman. Olivia, having fallen in love with Cesario/Viola, is blind by love and does listen to Violas important words. As Viola tries to tell Olivia that she cannot love her, Olivia just falls even more in love, which creates much more confusion between them. Viola, being chafe with Olivias stubborn character, says something that snaps Olivia out of her dream world.Then think you right. I am not what I am. (III. I. 145-150) Viola hints to Olivia, as she did to Orsino, that she is different from her existent appearance. These characters, such as Olivia and Orsino, have gotten so caught up in their love, and anticipate for love that they have caused confusion for all. Olivias and Orsinos behaviour affects them personally. Olivia tries to dispose Cesario/Viola to lo ve her, but Viola, being intelligent, replies to Olivia. I pity you. (III. I. 125-130) Viola explains her pity for Olivia, because she sees, how desperate Olivia is for love.No man would have responded this way to a lady such as Olivia, which shows some more of Violas true personality and character. Viola has told Olivia her true feelings towards her, and partially reveals that she is not truly a man, which creates a twist for Olivias point of view. Still, Olivia being blinded by love, and desperate for a man, does not interpret Violas message. Viola attempts to speak with Feste the fool, but even he does not richly understand her secret. Nor does he understand who is in love with whom.Feste the fool is a wise clown, who has perfected his profession, yet does not realize when Viola /Cesario is seek to tell him something about her true character. The fool is also blinded by trickery and his own personality. Viola, whom everyone thinks to be Cesario a servant for Orsino is slowl y debut her true personality and secret. No one seems to listen to her, thus make many misunderstandings, odd occurring, and mysterious acts between the characters. Fool Now Jove, in his attached commodity of hair, send thee a beard Viola By my troth Ill tell thee, I am almost sick for one, aside though I would not have it grown on my chin. (III. I. 45-50) Viola tells Feste that she would not like a beard, but the truth is that she cannot grow one.As Sebastian enters the next scene, and becomes a more involved character, he is important because his sister Viola looks very much like him. They are twins, so as other characters see them, their confusion rises, and more conflicts occur. Feste the fool does not realize who is who, when he is speaking to Viola/Cesario or Sebastian. Sebastian Go to, go to, thou art a foolish fellow. Let me be free of thee. Fool Well held out, i faith. No, I do not know you, nor am I not sent to you by my lady to bid you come speak with her, nor your send for is not Master Cesario, nor this is not my nose neither. Nothing that is so is so. (IV. I. 5-10) Sebastian urges the fool to go on his way and not to bother him, but the fool, thinking that Sebastian is Master Cesario, tells Sebastian that Lady Olivia wants to speak with him. Sebastian does not know Olivia and is bewildered.In this happening, more and more misunderstanding, uncertainty and disorder is occurring. Characters are blinded by their own needs, and are self centered. They do not listen to Viola as she tries to reveal her identity. She tells Orsino, Olivia and the fool, traits of herself that prove her to be a woman, but they are all dumbfounded. As this play unravels, the characters all find their true mate, or have ended up alone, and Viola gets reunited with her brother who was thought to have been bemused in the shipwreck. Twelfth Night is a comedy and a improbable play that will trick the minds of all.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Inc Narrative Report Essay
For our sort outing, the INCredibles, we atomic publication 18 assigned to dress up an event which has more(prenominal) or lessthing to do with a classify and its cooperation. The two most valuable thing when we say LEADERSHIP. As described, LEADERSHIP is the activity of caterpillar tread story a grouping of people or an organization or the exponent to achieve a specific goal.Leader steps up in fourth dimensions of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in intemperate situations. Unlike management, drawship cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhance through coaching or mentoring. Through this as a student, we ar after a good and responsible leader that could really lead us for the best. Through teambuilding activities, different strategies and different leadership is being standout. Teambuilding is delimit as the ability to identify and motivate individual employees to form a team that stays together, works together, and achieves together. Fo r our event, entitled Many Paths, One Spirit, A legacy of Leadership we are after for a good leader and especially this event is after for a true and a unafraid cohere. Our event took place at Ouans worth farm, Kanlurang Mayao, Lucena City. The call cadence of the organizers is at 700 in the morning. And for our participants which are the DSC Officers, their call time is at 900 in the morning at Manuel S. Enverga CTHRM Study Area.When we got at the venue, everyone is busy designating and readiness the last minute petty things to be solved. thusly after that, we started place thing into place. We started cutting papers for the souvenirs and started blowing up the billows, while other members of the group is still at Zharinas House and busy preparing the food for our event. We as well decorated and started arranging the tables at the conference room and putting around finishing touches. thusly after that everyone is settled and other members already exist their designated st ations for the atrocious Race, and we are only waiting for the arrival of our participants however the DSC Chairman arrived as early as 800 in the morning. Then our participants arrived at 1000 in the morning and it also started the enrollment, the assigned for the registration is Lindsey Hidalgo, Vera Javier and Karen Tagon. later on the participants finished the registration, the curriculum officially begins.The event started with a appealingness hoping the event would be successful and also at the comparable time to attain our main goal that is to have unity, cooperation and a strong bond among the DSC Officers. As the participants log their names at our registration forms, they were at the same time given their IDs and they are also to choose a balloon that indicates which group they would belong. After that Czarina Miranda the innkeeper of that days event, she welcomes in all heartedly the participants and calls on immpediately Nadine Almozara for her to start the day with a prayer. After the arising Prayer, the Opening Remarks was given by Nina Lumenario. Then the emcee immediately instructed the participants on how the Amazing Race would work and what are the rules. The stations includes the following Calamansi relay, bilangan ng monggo, magical spell me DSC, kadena, obstacle, pulot ng basura, harina, and eat all you can (includes ampalaya, banana, calamansi and tomsto).Then after that, the emcee instructed the participants that its time for them to know their respective groups. The first group includes Alexis, Meco and Nino. The second group includes Crio, Hazel, Tyrone, and Chesca. And the last group includes capital of Minnesota, Alvin and Janica. After that the groups where formed and they need to make a name for their group and to present a yell. capital of Minnesotas group is named as the TAMARights inspired by the FEU Tamaraws, they performed their yell first. Alexis group is named as orangeness and Lemons inspired by a Filipino Local Band. And the last group, Crios group is named as BLUEtooth inspired by a cellphone specs. Crio, Paul and Meco added spice whenever they throw jokes to each opther that makes also the event fun. And its now time for the groups to start the Amazing Race. The process is that they where given a clue that would took them to their destination and in that way they would be starting in different stations. In every stations that theyll be accomplishing the Station Manager would give them a letter that is a key for a keyword CTHRM DSC and the first to complete this letters, they are the winner.So the game started its a thrill. We could really see the cooperation and the hardworks of our participants and we are really thankful because they really supported our event. The first group to arrived at the conference room and completed the letters is Pauls root word and the are the TAMARights. Second who arrived is Alexis radical, the Orange and Lemons. And last is Crios Group, the BLUEtooth. So because Crios group finish last Meco started throwing jokes at Crio. And once4 again everyone laugh and enjoyed. Then after the picture taking. We started distri saveing lunch for our participants, our lunch is extraordinary because its in a banana leaf and we need to eat together notwithstanding its really fun. We enjoyed eating like its all back to basic. After we finish our lunch, the second game begins and it is to solve a jigsaw puzzle.Alexis Group won the challenge, next is Crios group and lastly its Pauls group. The next activity is to make their flags that would be symbolizing their group and everyone really made a good job. The event was tiring but it was really worth it, its fun and it really bonded the relationships of the participants and also the organizers. Alvin, the DSC Chairman, gave some message that really made us realize and also touches us. like a shot after that Donna, our Event Manager gave a Closing Remarks and after the program everyone was having a free time to sit and jam with the participants and to distribute their snacks and at the same time Paul gave us some intermission number and he does some impersonations. That ends our event and we really think that our event achieves our goals. And as we finish this event we are hoping that this would give our participants a more clearer and more deeper understanding about leadership.
Book Report on “Baboukâ€Â
Guy Endore tells the novel of the drastic slave story through the eyes of an African Babouk. He starts by focusing on the cargo of a French slaver during the late years of the eighteenth century. He explores the characteristics of a slave trade through his presentation of the send out and its primary quest. As the ship gets loaded with captured slave at Goree, readers ar provided with the concept of how lowly did the early Americans view the African Negroes.The way in which they were loaded to the ship makes the thought of slavery statelyly equated to the scene of save up tools and equipment that will soon be used to gain profits. In general, what makes the story terribly disturbing is the way by which one race mal conducts the early(a) because of their difference in color, race, and cultural structures. This was deputen when the slaves were stricken with opthalmia during their long, tiring, and devastatingly miserable trip towards San Domingo.During the journey to the ensl aved land, those who failed to meet and satisfy the standards of slave eligibility because of the disabilities that they developed (such as the loss of the hotshot of sight) were disposed in an inhuman way- being thrown overboard to flood out and die. As the slaves reach their unfortunate destination of lifelong enslavement, the story becomes oftentimes worse as the once free men take their roles as full-pledged slaves under the rule of masters who treat them disdainfully and without any scrape of gratitude and appreciation. However, the drastic enslavement also brings about a positive perfume on the part of the Haitians.The slavery drives them to fight. The pain of being treated appallingly and the feeling of being taken away from their home and families eventually evolved into an urge to fight and defend themselves. The slavery of their white fellows transformed them into revolutionaries which eventually became as harsh as they were. Unfortunately, the supposed enlightenment of the slaves ended in their sad death. Apathy yields indifference In the story of Babouk, readers were provided with a glimpse of how dreadful early Americans treated their potential slaves.In the story, they showed no signs of remorse in what they were doing. They failed to come that Africans like Babouk had the same rights and privileges that they enjoyed. They equated their potential slaves in the same way that they treat beasts of burden and tools for trade and profit. They showed no apathy and acted as if the indifference was a normal part of life and living. In effect, they instilled hatred in the center field of their slaves and they promoted the idea that a human being may treat their fellows in an inhuman way, for as long as they can delineate differences in their race and culture.They showed that violence was normal part of societal interaction and that choice of the fittest exists not only in the jungle. In response to this elaborate show of apathy, they harvested n othing but indifference from their revolutionist slaves. The most disturbing consequence of this sadistic harvest is when Babouk threw a white child on the ground, potty a pike into its innocent and defenseless body, and used it as a banner. Reference Endore, Guy (1934). Babouk. New York Vanguard Press
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Account: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Long Term Liabilities
Chapter 12 1/ As part of the initial investment funds , a partner contributes office equipment that had cost $20,000 and on which accumulated disparagement of $ 12500 had been recorded . If the partners agree on a valuation of $ 9000 for the equipment , what heart and soul should be debited to the office equipment broad main tab? a/ 7500 c/ 12500 b/ 9000 d/ 20000 2/ Chip and Dale agree to form a fusion. Chip is to contribute $50000 in assets and to devote one half time to the partnership.Dale is to contribute 20000 and to devote expert time to the partnership. How will Chip and Dale sh ar in the division of acquit income or shed light on loss? a/ 52 c/ 11 b/ 12 d/ 2. 51 3/ Tracey and Hepburn invest 100,000 and 50,000 , respectively , in a partnership and agree to a division of net income that provides for an exclusively in allowance of interest at 10 % on original investments , salary allowances of 12,000 and 24000 , respectively , with the remainder divided equally .What w ould be Traceys share of a net income o 45,000? a/ 22500 c/ 19,000 b/ 22000 d/ 10000 4/ leeward and Stills are partners who share income in the ratio of 21 and who claim roof letter oddments of 65,000 and 35,000 , respectively . If Morr , with the consent of Stills, acquired one half of lees interest for 40,000 for what amount would Morrs capital letter account be credit ? a/ 32500 c/ 50,000 b/ 40000 d/ 72,500 5/ Pavin and abdel share gains and losings in the ratio of 21 .After selling all assets for property , dividing the losses on realization , and paying liabilities , the balances in the capital accounts were as follows Pavin , 10000 Cr , abdel , 2000 Cr. How many of the bullion of 12000 would be distributed to Pavin? a/ 2000 c/ 10000 b/ 8000 d/ 12000 chapter 13 1/ which of the pursuit is a disadvantage of the corporate form of organization? a/ contain liability b/ continuous life c/ owner is discontinue from oversight d/ ability to raise capital 2/ paying in capita l for a corporation may araise from which of the following sources? a/ issuing preferred stock / issuing leafy vegetable stock c/ selling the corporations treasury stock d/ all of the higher up 3/ the stockholders equity share of the balance sheet may include a/ common stock b/ stock dividends distributable c/ preferred stock d/ all of the above 4/ if a corporation reacquires its own stock , the stock is listed on the balance sheet in the a/ up-to-the-minute assets section b/ long depot liabilities section c/ stockholders equity section d/ investments section 5/ a corporation has trimd 25000, shares of 100 par common stock and holds 3000 of these shares as treasury of stock .If the corporation declares a 2 per share immediate hire dividend , what amount will be recorded as cash dividends? a/ 22000c/44000 b/ 25000d/ 50000 chapter 15 1/ If a corpo. Plans to issue 1,000,000 of 12 % bonds of a time when the market rate for similar bonds is 10 % the bonds can be expected to sel l at a/ their give amount b/ a premium a discount d/ a price below their face amount 2/ if the bonds collectible account has a balance of 900,000 and the discount on bonds collectable account has a balance of 72000 , what is the carrying amount of the bonds? / 828,000 b/ 900,000 c/ 972,000 d/ 580,000 3/ the cash and securities that make up the sinking fund established for the allowance of bonds at maturity are classified on the balance sheet as a/ watercourse assets b/ investments c/ long term liabilities d/ current liabilities 4/ if a true purchase 150,000 of bonds of x company at 101 plus accrued interests of 2000 and pays brokers commissions of 50 , the amount debited to investment in x company bonds would be a/ 150,000 b/ 151,550 c/ 153,500 d/ 153,550 / the balance in the discount on bonds payable account would usually be reported in the balance sheet in the a/ current assets section b/ current liabilities section c/ long term liabilities section d/ investments section chapter 16 1/ an ex of a cash flow from an operating activeness is a/ reception of cash from the deal of stock b/ put across of cash from the sale of bonds c/ remuneration of cash for dividends d/ receipt of cash from customers on account 2/ an ex of a cash flow from an investing application is a/ receipt of cash from the sale of equipment / receipt of cash from the sale of stock c/ payment of cash for dividends d/ payment of cash to acquire treasury stock 3/ an ex of a cash flow from a financing activity is a/ receipt of cash from customers on account b/ receipt of cash from the sale of equipment c/ payment of cash for dividends d/ payment of cash to acquire land 4/ which of the following systems of reporting cash flows from operating activities adjust net income for revenues and expenses not involving the receipt or payment of cash? a/ direct method b/ purchase method c/ reciprocal method d/ indirect method / the net income reported on the income statements for the year was 55000 and depreciation of fixed assets for the year was 22000 . The balances of the current assets and current liability accounts at the beginning and end of the year are shown at the top of the following page? / 740 Chapter 17 1/ what persona of analysis is indicated by the following ? a/ vertical analysis b/ horizontal analysis c/ profitability analysis d/ component margin analysis 2/ which of the following measures indicates the ability of a firm to pay its current liabilities ? a/ working capital b/ current ratio c/ quick ratio / all of above 3/ the ratio determined by dividing issue forth current assets by total current liabilities is a/ current ratio b/ working capital ratio c/ bankers ratio d/ all of the above 4/ the ratio of the quick assets to current liabilities , which indicates the instant debt paying ability of a firm , is the a/ current ratio b/ working capital ratio c/ quick ratio d/ bankers ratio 5/ a measure useful in evaluating efficiency in the management of inventories is the a/ working capital ratio b/ quick ratio c/ number of days sale in inventory d/ ratio of fixed assets to long term liabilities
Jeffrey Young Believes That Moves Towards ‘Upmarket Burgers’ Essay
Jeffery Young has this belief that there would be a positive shift towards Upmarket Burgers Well I believe this channelize to an extent as we be in possession of approached to the generation people of all ages go for a healthier option as it has become a turn out for all ages. But as the economy improves there would be an increase of income therefore a quality market opportunity.But the Future is episodic as we are presently in Double-dip recession as we fill no idea how the future is going to be The local familiarity would go for a Low-Priced but good quality provender but the disadvantage would the club GBK may fail as it does non construct as many consumers as it is highly prices, overall I conclude It all depends on the Income of the economy.On the hand I have a stronger belief that the fast food Franchises (A franchise is a good granted to an individual or group to market a companys goods or services within a certain filth or location), in this case it is called the Low-market Burgers entrust not go nonextant because the franchises like McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and Subway have the following USPs (Unique merchandising Points).Well it has food at a lower price which they secernate in which is affordable to the local community who do not have enough of income to buy Upmarket Burgers at a daily rate. The snatch reason that they are more recognised as they have a recognisable trademark (a symbol, word, or words legally registered or open by use as representing a company or product.) for utilization- For McDonalds there are the two golden arches which is in the shape of an M.And also their reputation known world-wide, as they are set in the best locations for these small franchises and services, they are almost found along individually mile near a town centre. To Conclude I would recount that the franchises like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and Subway will not go into extinction as the customer loyalty increases through the years whereas t he customer loyalty for GBK(Gourmet Burger Kitchen) will have a decrease because of their high quality, high priced products. Therefore, a decrease of GBK stores.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Why Did the Founding Fathers Create a Constitution Based
Why did the substructure fathers clear a validation found on the thoughts of separation of strengths, tab keys and balances, federalism and the circular of rights? The knowledgeableness fathers cute to create a constitution because many believed that the topic g overnment had to be stronger than what it had been with the use of the Articles of Confederation. solely at the same succession they were fearful of human nature and how often it could be seen in the memorial of other(a) countries such as Britain, for people in the position of spot to infringe on the rights of others, by becoming hungry with force play.Taking this into account, they wanted to create a government with some other power to carry on order and to govern. But too take up sure there were sufficient checks rate in place so that the government could neer exercise power that threatens respective(prenominal) liberties. The constitution created a government with a written set of rules to ensue whi ch it could not infringe upon. This in itself was one way to create a contain government, which is a main factor in why the founding fathers created a constitution.The Founding fathers as well wanted to divide power in different ways, in some other attempt to prevent its future abuse. The trey main concepts within the constitution ar separation of powers, cheques and balances, and federalism. The founding fathers in the beginning debated where power should ultimately lie Alexander Hamilton suggested that a unitary transcription would be the best. This is where the power lies with the telephone exchange authority many knew that this would never work, as the country is far too big and diverse. There were even hints at a monarchy unless George Washington quickly made his feelings on the idea open. It is an idea I must view with adherence and reprimand with virulence George mason on the other hand was in support of a confederate agreement, this is where the states would be sp lit up , and then all baffle to agree on person issues. There are very fewer examples of a confederate system working, and it is clear to see why it would not work in in the States, as it would be very worryatic to get all the states to agree on individual issues, due to the regeneration of the country.The solution to this problem was suggested by James capital of Wisconsin, which was quite simply a mixture of the dickens systems unitary and confederate. This is where power is divided between central and state government. National or delegated powers are powers only exercised by the field of study government, examples of this today would be the right to print money, and the right to declare war. several(prenominal) examples of concurrent or shared powers are the right to borrow money, and make and enforce law. An example of a state or reserved power is the right to regulate intrastate commerce or create familiarity laws.This was through for two main reasons, the first bein g to limit concentrate power, and presidential power, and secondly so that states would agree to the constitution. The states alike agreed for two other reasons , one being the Connecticut agree, and the other being the business relationship of rights , which most Ameri give the sack historians just count as part of the trustworthy constitution, but it wasnt actually added till 4 years later, Madison claimed it was important as You must specify your liberties. The Connecticut compromise was created to keep the small states happy, so that they would agree to the constitution.The geographically small states wanted mold based on population, not on size of state, when the biggest states with the smallest population wanted it to be based on the flat rate. So the political compromise was that in the provide of Representatives, representation was based on population, and in the senate it was based on the geographical size of a state. The bill of rights is a register that Ameri shad ow historians claim is part of the original constitution, although it was sent off to the individual states 4 years later.It was there to clearly show the rights of the people, so that they could never be taken away. The 1st amendment included libertys such as freedom of assembly and free speech or the 2nd amendment which is the right for everyone to exculpate arms. It is often shouted out by gun associations when the government tries to put restrictions on the ownership of guns. The founding fathers put this in place so that it would outline in more the detail the precise freedoms of the people, which also helped to allure the smaller states.The constitution splits the power given to national government into leash subsectiones, which are enlighten from each other the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The separation of powers was based on the ideas of Montesquieu, with him Lesprit de lois which means the spirit of the law. The executive plays the role of administr ating law. The president does this in many ways , for example he executes federal laws and programs, conducts foreign form _or_ system of government , commands the build up forces, negotiates treaties and other such roles.Checks and balances another main factor of the constitution comes in here, as the people get to keep a check on the president every 4 years with the presidential election, which wampum any tyranny of powers. This can also be seen in another branch of government. The legislature passes law, this is done through congress. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Its roles include regulating interstate and foreign commerce , creating and maintaining the armed forces , printing money, declaring war , and other such roles.The power here is limited in two ways, which is exactly what the founding fathers wanted its done through a 6 year change of the senate, which rotates 1/3 of its members for election every 2 years. This is also done in the House of Representatives, as they baffle to run for re-election every 2 years, this means that representatives construct to get things the public want done, or they can just be kicked out. This keeps power in the hands of the many, which is also how they wanted to constitution to work. The tolerate branch is the Judiciary, its role is to interpret and enforce the law.It is able to stay separate from the other branches, as it operates heavily outside the government, but also because nothing maintains the independence of the judiciary more than its permanency in office. It is also tied to the other two branches, as if the president wants to pass a law, it must get through congress and through the Supreme Court, as they can rule it unconstitutional, so the founding fathers created a system so that every branch was a check on each other, this also creates a system, where politics becomes the art of compromise.This system of checks and balances means that all the branches have to wo rk together, and have to compromise. Congress holds its check on the president in different ways, such as Congress is able to impeach and read a president, although impeachment does require a 2/3 majority of house, and removal 2/3 of the senate. Congress can also override a presidential veto, this also requires a 2/3 majority in both houses, but this system means that no one branch can hold far more power than another which is another example of why the founding fathers chose such a system.It also holds other powers such as rejecting treaties which limits presidential foreign policy. Congress also holds checks over the judiciary. It can do this by proposing constitutional amendments, and impeaching and removing judges with the 2/3 majority in the senate. This also shows us that the judiciary can never hold too much power over the president or congress, which is another example of how the founding fathers wanted the constitution to work. There are also powers given to the other two branches of government, which help to keeps checks, so that they can all counter each other with enough majority.But a problem with this is that it can lead to political gridlock, and this means very little can get done, which is not what the founding fathers intended. To conclude, the founding fathers created a constitution that meant that power could never be held within the hands of the few, but with the many. It also created checks on power in every branch of government, not just from the people, but from the branches themselves acting as checks against each other.They had wanted to create a system that worked this way, because of the tyranny that could be seen in other countries. This is why George Washington destruct any idea of a monarchy, he wanted the United States of America to be founded on principles the promoted compromise, and freedom, and equality. It was also meant to act as a handicap on any future tyranny, or corruption of power, but it also creates problems in itself, as it can lead to political gridlock, but no political system is perfect.
Why Did the South Lose the Civil War
Why did the sie custodyswesterly Lose the Civil War? Beginning as a date of army versus army, the war became a conflict of hostelry against society. In this pleasant of war, the ability to mobilize economical resources, the effectiveness of political crestership, and a societys willingness to keep up the fight despite setbacks, are as crucial to the outcome as success or failure on the battlefields. Unfortunately for the confederal officialerati binglern planters, by the spring of 1865, the South was resigned, and on April 9, downwind surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, effectively ending the war.Economically, the war was a benefit for the North and a disaster for the South. The North began the war with several(prenominal) advantages. The North held a distinct lead in nearly every resource needed for warfare. Not only was the population deficit of the South compared to the North, roughly around 13 million, submitd the statistics for factories, goods produced, railroad tracks, textiles, and firearms all succeeded the south by more(prenominal) than half. As a result, the union army became the best-supplied and fed army while southern armies suffered shortages of food, and clothing.Shortly after the start of the war, capital of Nebraska would farther suffocate the south economically by implementing the Anaconda Plan, a oceanic blockade. Industrially the South couldnt keep up in output but also and in man source. By the end of the war, the South had, more or less, plenty of weaponry still, but it just didnt have enough men to use the guns. Let alone enough men to defend the gross profit margin around the confederacy to protect its territory.A nonher key aspect that the North held over the South was the determination of Abraham Lincoln to win, and the incredible staying power of the mountain of the North, who stuck by Lincoln and stuck by the war in spite of the first 2 years of almost unrelenting defeat. A problem of the South was that it lacked the honourable center that the North had in this conflict, the idea of sum, was important. One of the Souths objectivess for creating their own government, was to give states more power than the central government. This was ironic, because a strong central government was what the South needed, but what Abraham Lincoln had in the North.Abraham Lincoln also offered a better explanation to his own people of what they were fighting for. He displayed this leadership through his progressive steps towards emancipation, one early example being the contrabands of war. The army and congress dogged that they would not return escaped slaves who went to Union lines and classified them as contraband. They used many another(prenominal) as laborers to support Union efforts and soon began to pay them wages. This would seem exceedingly important as the war turned into one against slavery.Despite the lack of economic and political power, the South was also at a going of joint will. C ertainly the course of the war, the troops events, had a lot to do with the loss of will. The Southerners hoped that they would win spectacular victories on Northern soil, and that they would be able to exhaust the will of the Northern people, and they failed to do so. The battle of Gettysburg with the largest number of casualties is often set forth as the wars turning point. The Union defeated attacks lead by Confederate General Robert E. Lee, ending Lees invasion of the North.With regard to military turning points, the outcome of the war also became inevitable in November 1864 with the reelection of Lincoln and the utter determination to see the things through, and the finding of leader U. S. Grant, the man to provide the leadership that the North needed. As long as Lincoln was determined to prosecute the war and as long as the North was laughingstock him, inevitably superior manpower and resources would win it out. With more men, more money, more industrial power, and a strong unity for the will to win, the Northern Union crushed the Southern planter aristocracy and it never regained its political power again.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Journal assignment mechanistic
These systems and their parts do not birth consumptions of their ca-ca. They have all told important(p) parts that make the whole to function for example, a clock that operates by being dictated by its internal structure and automobile which sues its aim of driver and passenger and it sens not move by its own without the driver.Mechanistic dismiss be pioneer if it is alludeed by external events or closed if unaffected by external conditions. For example, earth is an open system beca social function its movement is influenced by other bodies in the solar system. radical SYSTEMThese be purposeful systems whose parts cannot function on their own. The purpose for the system is survival. For example, lungs cannot survive on themselves but they extract oxygen from the surroundings for the person to survive. In rescript for organic system to survive they mustiness interact with the environment and understand the properties and behavior (Morgan, 1996)Organizations or groups which we belong to be mechanisticThis is be go in that location is distribution of tasks and duties be sh bed among members of the group. bulk limit in what they can perform best and in areas where they can be almost productive for the benefit of the whole group or organization. any individual aims at improving the assigned job rather than accomplishing it. Rights and regulations are well defined in mold to make sure that individually members demand is taken care of. in that location are technical methods of productions which includes the routine of modern engineering science in production to offer quality goods and service. The structure of bind is hierchial based on knowledge where the managers are the most go through people and other fol minor. At the top we have reconciliation and assessments of tasks that are perform to hold they are done to the desired standards.The communication is vertical, which is surrounded by superior and subodinates and instructions are issued by superiors who also make decisions. integrity condition of group membership is being loyal and obedience to the superiors.Examples are cyber caf that offer computer based services like internet, typing and printing. There are Automobile factories that buy and sell vehicles and a club store.HOW rapid agitate AFFECT VARIOUS TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONThere leave be insecurity and fear of the unknown because, the organization does not known what ordain follow after the rapid multifariousness and is not certain of its domain in future. If rapid vary occurs in an informal group, it can cause the individual group to be maneuverred. There entrust be economic loss due to lay off of staff due to change in automation or computerization.Inconveniencies testament arise if the brisk techniques have to be learned because it bequeath require money and time in order to learn them. The employees go away feel that they have no control over their destiny and are not certain of thei r tomorrow whether they will still be working. This will make them loose morale in their work because they are not motivated.HOW RAPID ECHNOLOGICAL/TELECOMMUNICATION/ECONOMIC CHANGE AFFECT THE FOLLOWING FIRMSAuto manufacturerChange will veer processes through which inputs which include labor and raw materials are converted into washed-up goods and services. This will result to in the buff goods being produced by use of important innovation process that required a lot of money to machine it. Consumers will pick up to be contacted through sales promotion which can be done by use of television in order to create awareness about the new amend product that serve the taste and preference of consumers.(Schein,1992)Television firmsIf the economy goes up, the firm will impeach large amount of money for advertisement and because people prefer low price, the number of customer who will use the service will be few making the firm to have reduced revenue from its services. People will p refer to use modern television technology and then the firm will have to install it which can be high-priced and may not have been budgeted from the beginning. The purchase price of modern technology of television is high-ticket(prenominal) and requires ample time to buy it.A universityThis will result to change in everything including the organization structure. New departments will scram up and new faculties. New lecturers will be required or raising for the already existing ones. Payment of employees will go up and this will also result to rise in fees to be compensable by all the students. The subject combination of all the students will have to change and some will feel that they will have to transfer to other universities that offer the subjects of their choice.There will be numerous challenges due to need for more opportunities to do research to be in rakehell with the change. Due to change, new managers will need to be employed and this will require additional finance . The things that will have been preserved so that they can be used in future will have to be changed and this is total loss because they are durable and will not be of any more use.State employment and job training army corpsState funds will be used to implement change because there will be need for skill upgrading of employees in the republic. The state initiatives will have to avail retraining programs in the use of the new technology. These changes will lead to job displacement and job changes because some positions will be of no more use and will need to be replaced. (Schein)There will be job training committee that will be selected and training corps who will provide special programs on technological change to let the union officials respond to change effectively. This training will be made more accessible, convenient and cheap.A scummy rural Baptist churchRapid technological change will affect perpetration work because the machines used to amplify sound will need to be ch anged and use more improved ones which may be expensive to buy. The language used in churches will need to be improved from vernacular to national and international language in order to subdue racial discrimination and reach the gospel everywhere. Media will need to be used to preach the gospel and this will require money to indemnify for TV programs.PTA for elementary groom in a neighborhood where most kindles work in the tourism and travel industryThe school will have to install the new technology which will require a lot of money. Failure to this, most parents will transfer their children to school where there is new technology. This change in technology will affect parent who are not able economically to pay for the new technology. The school will need to employ new teachers who have experience in the new technology. The students will need to change some subjects and learn new ones which require extra effort and more time.ADVANTAGES OF TOP-DOWN ORGANIZATIONSThe organization f ocuses on utilization of resources which is from individual managed application. The available resources are put into profitable use and none of them is wasted. This leads to high quality output produced at reduced cost. The caution looks for solution of all the processes to be carried out to make sure that the mission and vision of the organization is achieved through proper planning of all the activities to be carried out.When phases for management application are completed, a deeper and more mature carrying into action will be established for identity in management solution. The tending and operation resources in top-down organizations are not impacted seriously in the beginning.Their visibility is high because everybody is able to observe changes as they happen in their place of work and also observe the shared determine in the organization.(Morgan) There is confidence because, team get the opportunity to try new practices due to the backing of sponsors. Transparency is o bserved and mistakes are roll up at initial stages and practices are consistent with the vision of the company.ADVANTAGES OF MORE innate ORGANIZATIONSCollective marketing enable farmers enjoy benefits of economies of scale because buyers want to weigh with organizations rather than individual farmers. Training is provided on organic production to ensure that products are of high quality and meet the desired standards in order to generate more revenue.The organization is able to comply with international standards required to be met for the product to be consumed. Sample inspection is done on few farmers and this helps to reduce the cost of certification that could have been done on individual farmers. Consumers are willing to pay more for organically produced goods and services because they belief they are the best and they enjoy competitive advantage in marketing because their products are well known to customers.WHICH OFFER THE MOST up MOBILITY FOR EMPLOYEESTop-down organizati on offers upward mobility of employees because the encourage employees to work hard and admit rewards to employees based on performance. The management is also accountable for staffing and experienced staffs are recruited to do the job. The employees turn over is low because of various promotions given to employees one time they stay for sometime in the organization. There is no discrimination and all employees are treated equally with no favors.REFERENCESGareth Morgan Images of Organizations Sage publications 1996 Edger Schein Organizational kitchen-gardening and Leadership Jossey-Bass l992
Trends in Maritime Transport and Port Development in the Context of World Trade
Trends in maritime Trans look and demeanor Development in the Context of World hatful Carlos M. G exclusivelyegos 1. Structural changes in supranationalist guile and the evolution of maritime transplant ingest a direct impact on look maturation and b modestup. Therefore, these elements and their recent characteristics must be examined, since they provide the frame of reference in which demeanor re haoma in Latin the recounts and the Caribbean has been carried out. These factors excessively shape future behavior development. A. Globalization, proceeds, merchandise, and interfaces 2.Globalization, or the magnification of markets and hence of the scotch prospects of societies, is winning blank space non nevertheless because of the supra-national nature of markets, scarcely alone overly because of the blend of outside(prenominal) investment and the strategies of multinational enterp draw closes. These multinationals today account for two-thirds of spheric ex miens of goods and function and close to 10% of domestic sales mankindly concernwide. 3. In this environment of change magnitude interdependence in the orbit, the transnational division of labor is changing as a result of structural changes in quite a little and unprecedented mobility of international capital.However, while the integration of goods and renovations and capital is get on withing at a quick pace, integration of the labor market is much slower. In appendix, ever much(prenominal) sophisticated technologies be beingness disseminated, in a framework of great streamlining in communication theory and telecommunications. The development of discipline technology has, in turn, boosted productiveness and, in many cases, worker income. In general, electronic transactions and communications technology decl atomic number 18 been the demand complement to full internalization and globalisation and their major impact on production and knowledge base trade. . In mid-1999, evolution countries began to recover from the 1997-1998 financial crisis in Asia, which had a severe impact on countries in Latin America. This retrieval was spurred on in particular by offshoot in domestic demand in the United States and early(a) certain countries, low interest rate, and the Asian recovery. As a result, general growth in gross domestic product (GDP) rose 3% (similar to growth in the developed countries). Countries atomic number 18 now back on the road to growth they embarked upon in 1993 that was interrupted in 1998. The global deliverance is projected to grow 3. % in 2000 ( merely only 3% in the developed countries). 5. In 1999, Latin America and the Caribbean recorded the worst economic indicators of the decade, receivable primarily to downturns in the Argentine and Brazilian economies. The neighborhood went into a corner (a drop on average of 0. 6% in GDP). The regions estimated growth rate for 2000 is nearly 4%, spurred on particularly by sustained growth in recent months in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. 6. The global economic recovery in the second half of 1999 was also reflected in the upturn in world trade. World commodity ex airs in 1999 were comfortd at US$5. 6 billion up 3. 5% from the previous form when a negative rate of 1. 6% was posted. Ex port wine volume also grew, however at a similar rate to the previous stratums growth of 4. 5% and for the third consecutive year, the average set of commodities discharge (excluding oil). 7. World trade in go rose 2% in 1999, after extend years sluggishness, with exported services valued at US$1. 3 billion, and on that point was a moderate beginning in the international price of those services. 8. The regions of the world and the individual countries responded with quite wide-ranging demand and growth in their product in 1999.The situation in Latin America and the Caribbean was rather unique. 9. With the 1999 recession, the volume of Latin Am erican and Caribbean imports fell 2% on average. However, performance in the region varied greatly by country. Imports rose 15% in Mexico, and fell 12% in the rest of the region. Similarly, the regions exports grew 7% in 1999, hardly in Mexico the portend was to the highest degree range of a function (13. 7%). We should recall(a) that al around 90% of Mexicos exports (85% of which are manufactured goods) are to the US market, compared to 30% of exports from the rest of Latin America (40% of which are manufactured goods). 0. Intra-regional trade was also change and fell considerably. The MERCOSUR countries experienced a downturn of 25% and the countries in the Andean Community, 28%. 11. Regarding the importation of services, the slowdown that began in 1998 persisted, and in 1999 there was a 9% drop on average (a 9% ontogenesis in Mexico, but a 13% drop in the be countries). 12. The outlook for the volume of world trade in 2000 is better it is anticipate to rise 6. 5%, which is higher(prenominal)(prenominal) than the average emergence in world production.Trade indicators are expected to improve in Latin America and the Caribbean, because of higher oil prices, annexd investment in the region, better commodity prices and, especially, a major recovery in exports in general. 13. Foreign trade has gained extraordinaire(postnominal) strength and importance in the development strategies for the Latin American and Caribbean economies. Its expansion and growth is the engine of their economic growth. This is expected to continue, and whats more the export structure is expected to be geared towards manufactured goods with high value added.Since nearly 90% of trade in this region is shipped by sea, port development is of the utmost important. B. Characteristics of maritime exaltation 14. Below are close to of the characteristics of maritime trade traffic for containers, liquid and dry batch cargo, and tourism (US$3. 5 billion). 15. Despite the changing, adver se conditions in production and world trade menti wizd above, transport of maritime trade continued to grow in 1999, but only by 1. 3% a slower rate than in previous years (2. 2% in 1998 and 4. 1% in 1997). This was the last-place level recorded since 1987.The volume of world trade transported on the seas was over 5. 1 billion haemorrhoid, a similar figure to the previous year. maturation estimates for 2000 are roughly 4%, similar to 1997. 16. Containers. Use of containers has been on the rise since their introduction in 1956, and this market has the best growth outlook in the sector. As a result, high- capacitor ships befool been built today more than 60 entertain a capacity over 5,000 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs). Container traffic was an estimated xcl trillion TEUs in 1999 of that amount the Port of Singapore moved 15. one one million million million million million TEUs. Studies forecast 6% annual growth in container traffic through with(predicate) 2005, as a result of continued expansion of the use of containers by the exaltation industry in developing countries increased trade in manufactured goods and products with a higher value added the hack towards globalization by multinational manufacturers and growth of megaships and the resulting rise in feeder and ferry traffic. 17. fluent cargo. A total of 2. 159 million tons of liquid cargo was plastered in 1999, with an annual rate of change of less than 1. 3%.Oil continues to be the important component, accounting for nearly 70% (roughly 1. 5 billion tons annually), followed by liquid gas and petrochemicals. Double-hull 300,000 ton supertankers are used the most to transport crude oil between its primary(prenominal) axes, i. e. Asia, the United States, and Europe. 18. dry out bulk cargo. Maritime transport of trade in dry bulk cargo includes most notably iron ore, coal, grain, bauxite/aluminium oxide, and phosphates. In 1999, together they repre moveed 1. 233 million tons with an annual r ate of change of 2. 8% 70,000-ton bulk carriers are also important in this type of traffic.Many merchant vessels companies build panamax ships to measure with cranes to load and unload bulk cargo, which reduces transport costs. intensity cargo is still the vaingloriousst segment of maritime transport, representing to the highest degree one after part of total freight loaded annually. 19. Tourism. The cruise ship industry had self-aggrandizing and received massive investments in recent years. It is estimated that over 7 million persons allow take a cruise this year, a similar figure to last year, and the American market is the main consumer. Recently, high-tonnage ships kick in been built, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas, at 130,000 tons with he capacity to hold 3,115 passengers, inaugurated last November, and the Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas, which has the resembling characteristics and began service in October 2000. Regional ly, the recipient markets are most notably the Caribbean and the unused market in the Southern Cone. Ports are competing to attract these passenger ships and face the challenge of having the appropriate port radical in place, as well as the complementary service facilities that passengers require, such as taxis, buses, guides, and shopping centers. This is certainly a growing market in every respect, but a very competitive, capital-intensive one.C. The shipping industry characteristics and prospects 20. The main shipping lines in the world, such as Maersk Sealand, Evergreen, P&O Nedlloyd, Hanjin, Cosco, and many others serve the most complex, profitable send offs in the world, including some in Latin America and the Caribbean. 21. The 25 most sinewy shipping lines affirm almost 60% of container transport capacity in world trade. In addition to growing concentration of container activity in the hands of the largest, most aright shipping lines, there is an unrelenting process o f integration and the forging of alliances among the main shipping lines.In other words, they are growing larger every day, but have also decided to work together. The two most powerful alliances that were recently renewed are the Great Alliance (among NYK, Hapag Lloyd of Germany, the Anglo-Dutch company P&O Nedlloyd, Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL) of China, and the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)) and the current World Alliance (among Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) of Japan, APL/Neptuno Orient Lines (NOL) of Malaysia, and Hundai Merchant Marine (HMM) of Korea) which have center primarily on reorganizing the main trade routes.The sphere of action of these alliances is broader, involving a global strategy and ground services. This raises questions about the ability of certain container port terminals to survive and particularly about whether or not the conditions for perfect rivalry are present in these markets. 22. Another characteristic of this industry is the production an d servicing of mega container vessels. The number and size of postpanamax container vessels will continue to grow, which will increase the transport of containers, reduce stops in the main routes, and therefore increase the services of feeder ships.Ship capacity will continue to rise, and ports will have to adjust to their size. In 1999, over 120 postpanamax ships were operating. Maersk has ships that can transport nearly 7,000 TEUs (K and S classes) and 8,000-TEU ships are due out soon. Germanischer Lloyd is planning to operate a mega container ship of 15,000 TEUs by 2010, when the volume of container trade is expected to be double the current figure (roughly 200 million TEUs). The ship would cover the East-West route and feed ships of 4,000 and 5,000 TEUs.This would reduce the number of port fronts, but requires ports with enormous capacity. 23. Changes in container terminal operators. With the expansion of the container industry, the structure and organization of terminal operat ions have changed. Today there are three categories of container terminal operators (i) port administration that have decided to become directly involved in manipulation containers, such as the public ports of Singapore and the Virginia Port Authority or the private ports of Felixtowe or Freeport.However, this category has been on the decline with the emergence of port corporations (ii) private port terminal operating companies involved in a process of concentration, including stevedoring. The 15 main operators have put outed their activities outside of their ports of origin, associating themselves with large stevedoring groups (e. g. PSA Corporation, Hutchinson, ECT, P&O Ports, and SSA) and (iii) the shipping lines that have decided to control and manage their own container terminals. This decision was made for two main reasons.The foremost was for strategic reasons, because these global transporters are involved in hub and transshipment ports and therefore pick out to contro l their operations, including docking priority and guaranteed availability of equipment for use. The second was to reduce costs, i. e. for savings, ground on economies of casing and better control of terminal expenses. 24. The provision of port-to-port logistic services. As shipping lines (e. g. Maersk Logistics, Evergreen American Corporation) participate in ogistical service solutions, they absorb them or forge associations with these intermodal service providers to ensure consistent, regular service, collision the clients demands through the port-to-port supply chain. This range of logistical services, which includes the consolidation of containers, documentation services, and storage and distribution, will continue to expand and improve every day and will have a greater impact on reducing costs and enhancing strength. 25. Information and communications technology and electronic commerce.Port services will step up their use of computerized systems and cultivation technology, such as the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system and the Internet. The increase in transport capacity will require immediate data on the have location and status of cargo, as well as on all logistical and institutional aspects of port operations. In light of these requirements, all port and shipping industry sectors will continue to invest in new systems and channels of communication.The industry will be moving towards a paperless world in which all types of information are handled electronically. 26. Use of the Internet for electronic commerce is also important. That industry has shown impressive growth of 68% in the last year. This mode of commerce is affecting how the transport industry does business, and theories bristle regarding its impact on the maritime port industry. Internet commerce was one of the topics discussed at the WTO negotiations, and the issue of taxes on e-commerce is still under study. 27.These characteristics and trends in the shipping industry are the r esult of the development of the world economy and globalization, resulting in demand for new standards of efficiency for maritime transport and creating new challenges for the worlds ports. D. Economic reforms and trade challenges for ports in the region 28. Macroeconomic reforms. The region has undertaken a series of macroeconomic reforms that prioritize export promotion, putting past import substitution, which has been considered detrimental since the 1970s. 29.Important tariff reforms have been adopted that include label drops in tariffs on finished products, and even lower levels for inputs for exportation the espousal of fewer tariff tiers, with a single flat tariff and the set upment of a positive, effective protection mechanism. This proves the generation of value added, instead of big(a) it. In terms of exchange rates, the various fixed exchange rates were eliminated, which were arbitrary and ignored market criteria. Real exchange rates govern currency exchange today. Tax reform has also been tackled, but not with the necessary vigor. Domestic taxes on income, assets, use, or value added are now modify more to national public treasuries, replacing taxes on foreign trade as the main source of revenue. There is still a abundant road ahead for tax reform in most countries. Attracting foreign capital is some other important element on the list of reforms that have sped up the growth of our economies, by helping external resources to complement low domestic savings and finance projects in new productive sectors.State reforms arrest the picture they are an social movement to redirect state leadership in the economic development process, where the state goes from being a major player, monopolist, and executor of economic activity to playing the role of a regulatory, control body that deeds with the private sector. State reforms also include the privatization of public agencies (ports have been in the forefront here) and other public institutions, such as tradition. 30. Almost all governments in the region have made a major effort to move forward with economic liberalization, trade opening, and export promotion, allowing for major growth in the 1990s.Nonetheless the imbalance in wealth distribution, the inability of large segments of the tribe to overcome extreme poverty, and the still weak reforms of institutions and some branches of government are disturbing, destabilizing elements that are reflected in the serious economic malaise that many countries in the region are experiencing today. 31. FTAA 2005. The heads of government of the Hemisphere agreed at the Summits of Miami (1994) and capital of Chile (1998) to promote the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), in order to form a broad market stretching from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego that would be the largest international consumer arket, with 800 million inhabitants. Negotiations on customs rebates are geared towards complying with this date, and this mechanism is exp ected to advantageously increase inter-American trade, thus intensifying the flow of hemispheric port traffic. 32. European Union. The policy of strengthening trade relations, particularly between South America and Europe, has been gaining major momentum for example, trade negotiations with MERCOSUR are being promoted. Other plans, such as the free trade agreement between Mexico and Europe, confirm the trend towards increased trade between these two regions in the ordinary term. 33.Subregional integration systems. Another factor that has accelerated the flow of trade is the existence of several(prenominal) subregional integration systems, such as the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), MERCOSUR, the Central American Common Market (CACM), or the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). They must speed up subregional trade, but must also support the formation of the FTAA and facilitate the standardization of diverse trade policies. All of this will translate into increased movement in mariti me and hemispheric port traffic. It is noteworthy that, at the Andean level, over 50% of commodities were shipped by sea in 1999. 4. Strengthening international trade negotiations. The World Trade Organization (WTO) tried unsuccessfully to promote a new round of trade negotiations at its Third ministerial Conference in Seattle in November 1999. The proposed work program for the next quintuple years consisted in negotiations on liberalizing trade in agricultural products, services, food security, electronic commerce, and other topics. Even though the differences of the developing and developed countries could not be bridged, important progress was made, indicating that a new round could be launched soon.The developed and developing countries also gave clear signs of their intent to continue with a policy of trade opening and economic liberalization, and there are no signs of a rebirth of protectionism. These indicators strengthen the foundation for the future growth and expansion o f world trade. 35. Customs facilitating trade. Similarly, the World Customs Organization (WCO) is making progress in technical areas that facilitate trade, which favors the expansion of world trade in the short and medium terms.Significant progress has been made towards adopting revised standards on the origin of traded goods the new and revised version of the Convention on Simplification and harmonisation of Customs Procedures (Kyoto Convention) standards for applying the Code to assess the value of goods in customs according to transaction value criteria the ongoing amendments under the Harmonized commodity Description and Coding System and the application of new information and communications technology.All these customs instruments are essential complements for facilitating and expanding trade in our countries. E. Port actions for port development 36. Port reforms. The port sector in the region has exhibited change, but in different ways and to different degrees in each country . by and large speaking, the sector has been regulated and national port policies set, which in many cases had been absent. State monopolies in port operation and administration have been revised, by either totally or partially de rallyizing port activity to local anesthetic governments and/or applying the private sector concessions.Labor constraints have been overcome, and port authorities have therefore been playing a different role. This new environment is reflected in the revision of port tariffs, seeking to develop a more efficient, more flexible port system that is swifter, safer, and cheaper. The experts attending this event will more clearly and objectively illustrate how port systems operate in different countries in the Hemisphere. 37.I would like to reaffirm that, port reforms must be sped up for greater port efficiency and competitiveness, particularly in countries that have not yet do so, regardless of the ownership model the governments decide to adopt, since intern ational trade will not wait, and the countries growth and development can not be put off because of undefined policy. Delaying this reform will only result in higher social costs in the medium term. While it is important to define a port system be it public, private, or a combination of the two it is essential to have the instrument and facilities or achieving levels of efficiency to be able to adapt to the requirements of world trade and compete successfully. Landlord ports are the most common arrangements in the region. That is where port authorities cease to serve as port operator, provide the necessary infrastructure, and grant concessions to the private sector to operate complementary services and terminals. Generally, in this situation, the central government grants financing to the sector, such as direct subsidies and credit guarantees. In general, this model promotes higher-quality service delivery. 38.The impact of ports on promoting national economic development. This i s another consideration that I would like to reiterate, with a few examples of what is being done in other developing countries that have made progress in port reform. These countries have concessionaires and private terminal operators and have been adversely affected by the various financial crises. Their development strategy also depends heavy on exports. However, strategic development plans and specific recommendations are in place to strengthen the role of the port sector to ensure significant recovery of the national economy.They include (i) operators reviewing their operating costs to eliminate unnecessary expenditures (ii) enhancing the efficiency and productivity of port operations, particularly by shortening the time essential for container movement by crane or using more cranes for ships with higher cargo volume and employing information and communications technology in routine operations, bearing in mind the growing volume of cargo being moved and the corresponding vol ume of communications that must be penalize (iii) conducting more aggressive marketing campaigns to raise the volume of cargo sent directly from the countrys ports to its final destination (iv) implementing infrastructure projects aimed at raising port capacity in the medium term (v) conducting equipment and port facility maintenance campaigns to continue to ensure efficient operations and (vi) continually revising the role of port authorities to cover changes in the market. In light of these reforms, their role is focused on planning and regulating port activity, facilitating the transport chain, controlling and supervising the activities of private enterprises by developing information systems, and promoting and working with the port community and foreign and international institutions. 39.Take into account trends and developments in the maritime industry and port operators in order to adjust port development strategies to the world challenges of this century. (i) Global port ope rators will continue to expand to new geographic areas and will maximize the use of technology to stimulate worldwide port networks that can offer consistent levels of services and modes of operation. more alliances will be forged among port terminal operators to promote economies of scale and use of global capacity. (ii) Since capital investments will be high, only the most powerful enterprises with significant financial resources will remain in these alliances. iii) Port facilities will acquire new and better standards and advanced technology in order to serve mega ships. (iv) Container storage capacity must be ameliorate through new systems and new facility designs. (v) There will be significant investment in communications and information technology for a world run electronically. 40. Finally, partnership for development. This mechanism will be authoritative for the future of regional port activity, given the urgent need for information exchanges for decision-making in port operations on shipping companies and port operators, as well as on producing projects to be implemented jointly and collision market requirements in general. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation must increase.The Organization of American States (OAS) has an Inter-American charge on Ports (CIP) which serves as a forum for dialogue for the governments of all countries in the Americas and the port authorities, but also for port operators, shipping lines, and commercial, industrial, financial, academic, and scientific entities. Use of this mechanism is an effective, low-cost option for strengthening hemispheric cooperation among ports in the Americas and contributing to their development. Port forums, such as those offered by the Andean Committee of Water Transport Authorities (CAATA) and the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), among others, work along the same lines for cooperation and to achieve port efficiency, which our government authorities must use to the fullest. 41. Conc lusion. Ladies and gentlemen, my goal has been to provide you with up-to-date information on the ever-changing world of ports.What we are seeing in the worlds ports today we could never have envisioned 25 years ago, like 8,000-TEU megaships or ports with great capacity to move containers, such as the Port of Hong Kong with 16. 2 million TEUs per year. However, we a lot consider 25-year blocks in long-term investments in the maritime port industry. Changes in the industry in the next quarter of a century will be even more dizzying and spectacular, and our ports will have to adapt. 42. In this globalized world and in our corner of the world where 90% of our trade goes through ports, it is the office of the governments, operators, shipping companies, service providers, and workers to work together to support the development of both our ports and our economies. Lets forge an efficient, competitive inter-American alliance for the future of our ports CIP00106E
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Digital Rights Management
Technological origin is drastic whollyy taking localize in almost every field. Experts and engineers site their extraordinary effort to develop softwargon or products that requires somewhat mannikin of security to protect it from mis subroutine. Digital Rights Management is the unmatch open which is wasting diseased for technologies that controls the character of digital cloy. With the advancement of Internet and development of digital content, content owners argon being impelled into a refreshful atomic number 18na where they can levy their rights by using DRM technologies as a way to control the accustom of their content.The present paper focuses on DRM, argumentative views of various experts on it and posture of DRM in radic each(prenominal)y changing Hi- tech world. Digital Rights Management (DRM) facilitates right of first publication holders to achieve value for their works. DRM is used variably in literature. According to electronic Frontier Foundation, Digital r ights c ar technologies be aimed at increasing the kinds and/or scope of control that rights-holders can assert over their clever berth assets.DRM allows the right of first publication holder to control the ways consumers access and use the holders work once the work is made forthcoming in a digital set. By controlling the access, a right holder is unfastened to offers an exclusively competent business model and his work will be protected from infringing uses. It is not possible for DRM at its own level to perform these aims because it is susceptible to the hackers, which is able to avoid DRM safeguards. Thats why, justice enforcement is required to preclude from hackers.These steps will strengthen DRM technology (Christopher D. Kruger, pg 281). The focus of the first times of Digital Rights Management (DRM) was mainly on security and encryption as a way of working out the problem of unauthorized write of the content. It was performed by locking the content and to limit its distribution to totally those who blade payment. In the second-generation of DRM, major steps to cover the description, identification, trading, protection, monitoring and tracking of all forms of rights procedures over both tangible and intangible assets.DRM deals with all rights and not but the rights applicable to permissions over digital content. There argon two strong architectures which must reflect on while designing and implementing DRM systems. The Functional computer architecture is the first. This covers the high-level modules or components of the DRM system that to directher provide a pluckment of rights till the end user. The Information Architecture is the second critical architecture. This covers the exemplar of the entities within a DRM system as well as their relationships.In digital rights management, the licensing authority issues to the DRM licensee a certification and a public/private diagnose pair for use in service. The client will sign the certif icate with the licensing authority private key and send it to the content emcee along with the public key. The content server then verifies the certificate and thereby authenticates the client. The server also checks the certificate with the list of revocation and if so, the client will not be able to receive or decrypt content. There are two algorithms used in signing.The Windows DRM for Network Devices and HDMI and the Open Mobile confederacy use the RSA algorithm. An Elliptic Curve algorithm being much lighter, are used in Windows DRM for Mobile Devices and DTCP. There are number of companies guardianship patents, which cause some concern for adopters and devote delayed the introduction of error correction ordinance to wider use in DRM. Once the authentication of a device is sub and it is determined that it has the valid license authority certificate, then in a DRM design, the last step is to decrypt content the symmetric cipher key. This is plainly very important.Consume rs just can not break their head to manage a key for every song or video that they have licensed under a DRM scheme, nor would the owner of a brand new product wish to enter 40 hex digits into the new condole with before using it. It is to be noted that one tremendously pressing feature of DRM security design is the processes by which secret DRM set are stored. While these consumer electronic products can be accessed by consumers, hackers will trespass the design looking for susceptibilities. It is better to use the key storage on chip non-volatile memory.The major problems with this approach are NVM memory is not available in every process, especially the advanced technology nodes, the license fees for NVM are lightly high and last of all the programming of the secret values in off-shore ODMs may encounter a security issue as the secret values are in plaintext (Al Hawtin, Embedded Technology Journal). DRM has some(prenominal) advantages such as one can make more enthronement in digital content. Digital copies are perfect no field of study how many copies are to be made. Large corporations are not the only creators of content.The Internet provides low-cost distribution network globally from which thousands of software producers get advantage. Strong DRM ensures a revenue stream at lower rate. Furthermore, grievous DRM means more legal free media, and lower prices. (John Carroll, 2002ZDNet). even up though DRM has many positive aspects and it is legally protected, it is always a matter of argument. pass over the issues of fair use and DRM at the 12th annual Computers, immunity and Privacy (CFP) conference in San Francisco summarizes that it is too early in this full point of technological modernization to begin locking down digital content.Peter Jaszi, law professor at American Universitys Washington College of Law referred to copyright holders attempts to proceed tight control over their digital content, such as some record companies moves to di stribute DRM-protected CDs that cannot be played on more than one device. But even more threatening to fair-use advocates is proposed legislation introduced by Senator Ernest Fritz Hollings, which aims to hold back a built-in copyright protection measure in all consumer digital devices. Most speakers at CFP established that DRM was not the solution to the copyright hard-foughty.Many of the advocates agreed that DRM would be more successful in harmonizing the rights of user and copyright holders than would be legislation. Stefan Bechtold, a Stanford Law School fellow and author of a book on digital rights management, argued that even though DRM can dumb down fair use and free speech, the technology is more imperfect tense than law. It develops speedily and can be installed on an international level. According to Microsoft credential Architect Barbara Fox, DRM technologies make easy to secure the content and setting rules for consumer use but it is much more intricate to guarante e that users have fair use of that content.Further he noted that copyright law is vague when it comes to fair-use rights and DRM would be incapable to settle on whether a user should be able to use content under certain state of affairs (CNN). Even so many controversies, various industries like the entertainment industry, led in general by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Recording patience Association of America (RIAA), are dynamically chasing DRM-friendly policy initiatives through federal official legislation and regulations, the courts and standards organizations.Music and movies have grabbed most of the headlines around digital rights management (DRM). The cause of death app for enterprise DRM is document management, primarily for purposes of regulatory compliance. The relevant regulations include the health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOA). These laws require tha t the confidentiality and/or integrity of certain types of documents be protected (E.John Sebes, Mark Stamp, Pg 52). DRM is computer code that can be embedded in music and video files to dictate how these files are used. The best-known example is the music Apple Computer sells at its iTunes Music Store. Using a DRM system it invented called FairPlay, Apple has engineered its songs, at the insistence of the record companies, so that they can be played only on a maximum of five computers, which means that one can fire only seven CDs containing the same play list of purchased tracks.In fact, get under ones skining relatively openhanded DRM rules from the labels was the key to Apples success in selling music. But some opposite uses of DRM technology are not so benevolent. Some CD buyers are discovering to their dismay that new releases from certain record companies contain DRM code that makes it difficult to copy the songs to their computers, where millions prefer to keep their mu sic.People who buy online music in Microsofts Windows Media format too often run into the DRM error message unable to obtain license when try to transfer the songs to a music player. The theft of intellectual property on the Internet is a real problem. Millions of copies of songs, TV shows and movies are being distributed over the Internet by people who have no legal right to do so, robbing media companies and artists of rightful compensation for their work (WALTER S.MOSSBERG, 2005). The postmortem examination provider of smart mobile content retailing solutions, announced the U. S. Patents and Trademarks baron has issued the company a patent in the area of mobile content and applications Digital Rights Management (DRM). To sum up, DRM standardization is now taking place in a number of open businesses. Digital Rights Management is move as an alarming new confronts, and it is necessary for DRM systems to provide interoperable services.
John Proctor Cruicible
The hysteria of witchcraft fills the streets of Salem, Massachusetts with rumors and accusations leading to the hang of nineteen innocent people. Arthur miller uses this tragedy to resemble the same idiocy of the accusations of the infiltration of communists in the United States throughout the sasss.To display the absurdness of the accusations, Miller had to create a protagonist with non-conformist views that would defy the Insanity raised by the fictitious experiences of witchcraft. Miller creates the theatrical role John Proctor, a fictional character who does not conform to the madness of Salem. At time he whitethorn seem like a bad man trying to do a comfortably deed, but, on the contrary, Is quite a good man. through the actions after his affair with Abigail, by defending his wife, and by standing up for his religious and personal viewpoints, John Proctor proves that he is indeed a good man.It cannot be denied that John Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams. He did something violate and his actions haunt him throughout the play. He did break the sixth commandment, but because he is a sinner does not mean he is a dangerous man. Everyone has sinned, and they cannot try and change that. It is how they deal with sin that defies who they are. John Proctor shows that he Is not bad by having the feeling of guilt. For without guilt, it would mean that what he did, in his eyes did not feel wrong. This Is not the case because during act one, darn Proctor Is Introduced,Abigail tempts him while they are alone. Abigail Give me a word John. A soft word. Her concentrated desire destroys his smile. John No, no, Baby. Thats done with. (Miller 22) Proctor denies wholly temptations that would lead to the feeling of guilt later on, showing his good ethical motive as well as his love for Elizabeth still exists. Even though John betrayed Elizabeth, he still loves her and will protect her no look the circumstances. One Instance that Proctor could easily be ridde n of his wife Is eitherow her be taken and then eventually get with Abigail.It seems a smudge preposterous, but is reactions are those of any good man in that he defends his wife. Cheaper asks, Cheaper Now, woman, will you please to come with me? John She will not (73) He defends Elizabeth as well in court by giving up his good name to try and soil Abigail. Even when they tell him that Elizabeth has been disposed(p) a year for pregnancy to have a baby, this does not apprehend him because he wants to try and free all of the wrongly accused. Although, even after he confesses to the affair, his wife defends him by not telling the truth.This shows that throughout everything that happens an apt woman such as Elizabeth still loves John. She knows that John made a mistake, but he is still the good man that she fell in love with. In loving Elizabeth, John cares for her when she is sick. The care for his wife leads to more absences in church. Only attending twenty-six time in seventee n month (64) can be assumed that it is not only scantily because he cared for his wife, but because he did not care for the reverend. Johns rebelliousness of sublime Paris at first seems to Just match Proctors personality of rebelliousness.On the contrary, his defiance shows the DOD side of him. This shows that he believes that Paris greed should have nothing to do with the church that he was so involved in before. He as well as is a strong believer that the place of worship does not matter, its the tonus of worship that usurps the location. This reveals that he truly cares enough about his religious beliefs that when he felt that Paris was not a good religious tempt on his children he slowly began to go to church less and less. This political theory is shown during act two. Hale Mr.. Proctor, your house is not a church your theological system must tell you that.John It does, sir, it does and it tells me that a minister may pray to divinity fudge without he have a golden ca ndlesticks upon the altar. (65) Proctors first impression on the reader is one of a flawed man. He slowly has to master the readers respect and becomes the good guy of the story. He supports his wife in her times of need. He defies all attempts by Abigail to spark another affair. He risks all he has to try and stand up for what he believes is right. Through his actions in The Crucible, John Proctor earned the respect he deserves and is shown as the good man that he truly is.
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